Welcome To The 30 Day Health Habit Transformation Challenge!

Follow the steps below:

1. Check your email for the welcome email from info@excuseproof.com  You’ll want to make sure this email is on your safe list.

2. Join the FB group where the training and support will take place at: http://excuseproof.com/fbchallengeapril

3. If you’d like to get additional coaching and support at no-cost and a special FREE bonus gift worth $97, send an email to info@excuseproof.com answering the following questions:

  1. What are your biggest health goals?
  2. What is holding you back from having the success you’d like?
  3. What will happen a year from now if things don’t change?  5 years?
  4. Why do you feel this coaching and group support will benefit you?
  5. What is one thing I could offer you to support you in your goals?


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