Miley’s Slimmed Down Sexy Body Workout Secrets
There’s been a bit of buzz lately though about her recent slimming down in 2012 thanks to her unique diet and exercise approach. Combine this with her sudden recent wedding engagement to Liam Hemsworth and she’s got a lot of people talking.
I wanted to take a look Miley Cyrus workout routine and diet plan as I’m always a bit curious about the approach celebrities take to getting in shape because:
A) Whether “fair” or not, celebrities and in particular female celebrities like Miley have ridiculous pressure to make sure they look good and stay in shape leading to…
B) Using their crap-tons of cash to hire the world’s best trainers and nutritionists to make sure they look good and stay in shape.
Factoring in celebrities often fall for worthless fad diets and programs, we’re left with
C) The fun job of sorting fact from fiction so we can get the same “secrets” celebs use to get a Hollywood body without having to spend a fortune.
Luckily, I’ve done the heavy lifting for you and will share the good, the bad, and the ugly of Miley Cyrus’ fitness regimen.
Stick around to find out:
- Miley Cyrus’ workouts and exercise routines
- My favorite “tricks” to get Miley Cyrus’ lean body without having to spend hours a week in exercise classes
- The “controversial” diet purported to be responsible for her rapid slim down, and whether it really works
- The one thing to absolutely AVOID in order to lose fat following her diet and the best alternatives
What Type Of Workouts Does Miley Do?
Miley takes Pilates classes regularly under the instruction of Mari Winsor. While traveling, she uses Mari Winsor’s workout dvds including the pilates lower body dvd and pilates abs dvd.
Pilates Videos:
Pilates is a good form of exercise for developing body awareness, improving posture, strengthening, and enhancing flexibility. It is low-impact, lower intensity, and generally very safe. Women tend to like it because they can often focus on strengthening the core and glutes, two areas almost every women wants to “shape up.”
Now here’s the kicker, Miley does these Pilates classes 6 times a week!
Now in case you’re wondering if you need to do Pilates 6 times a week to get those results, my educated answer is a resounding no.
While you can get away with doing Pilates six times a week because it is fairly low intensity, that doesn’t mean you need to in order to get similar results. Alternatively, you could add another type of training all together for similar results with less time spent exercising.
How Ordinary Women Can Get Miley Cyrus’ Results:
For those who are unable to take one-on-one Pilates classes with Mari, she’s made her dvd programs available where you can follow along.
Women tend to flock to Pilates because they use words like “tone,” “slimming,” “shaping,” and the like. While Pilates, yoga, and other similar forms of exercise are all wonderful in their own rights, my (admittedly biased) opinion is that most women should still include some higher resistance strength training.
Heavier resistance training, either on its own or in combination with Pilates, Yoga, or other forms of exercise will strengthen and “tone” a muscle much faster than low intensity exercise. This allows women to train 2-3 times a week and still get the same (or better) results.
While some women fear this will make them “bulky,” resistance training done properly will NOT result in too much muscle, but the right amount for whatever a woman desires as a woman can always tone her resistance training down according to her needs. I would argue that resistance training is the fastest way to a lean sexy body most women want.
Her Dramatic Dietary Weight Loss Diet Strategy?
Miley Cyrus has stated she follows a gluten-free and lactose free diet, and that those are the reasons she has lost weight rather than anorexia.
For those who don’t know, gluten is a type of protein found in certain grains like wheat, rye, and barley. Individual’s with Celiacs do not tolerate gluten and some people have a mild sensitivity to it. Gluten can be an irritant to the GI tract in sensitive people and it’s been purported that removing it would thus allow for a reduction in inflammation and potentially enhanced health.
Books like the G-Free Diet have popularized the gluten-free approach and many celebrities have been jumping on board. Doctors promoting more natural approaches to health like Dr. Mercola have also long encouraged the reduction or elimination of gluten and most grains.
With regards to lactose, it is a type of sugar found in milk products. Those whom don’t produce the enzyme lactase cannot properly digest it also leading to digestive disorders.
So reducing gluten and lactose seem to be prudent for those who are sensitive to them for health reasons, but does it lead to weight loss or is it recommended for everyone?
Gluten Free Diet Controversy – I CAN’T Believe This!
While this article from US Weekly explains how experts have “slammed” Miley for her gluten free diet, closer examination reveals something a little different.
What’s being said is that a gluten free diet may not be necessary for everyone, gluten free diets can actually lead to weight gain from increased nutrition uptake (a good thing), and that gluten free diets have been associated with nutritional deficiencies.
While I won’t argue with the technicality of those points, let’s look at what’s really being said.
Gluten Free Diets aren’t need for everyone: Yes, but gluten-containing diets aren’t needed for anyone. While I don’t think everyone must follow a gluten free diet for either health or fat loss, technically speaking gluten and gluten containing foods aren’t necessary for human health so a person can do just fine without them.
Gluten Free Diets can lead to weight gain in those with Celiacs: Yes, by increasing nutritional absorption. This would be a “healthy” weight gain. Weight loss via a gluten free diet would likely be an indirect result of other things like better food choices.
Gluten Free Diets have been associated with nutritional deficiencies: Yes, but only when people substitute gluten containing foods for crappy alternatives. The nutrients found in wheat, the most common gluten containing food people eat, can easily be replaced by other foods MUCH richer in those nutrients like greens, beans and lentils, vegetables, fruits, and meat.
Is gluten free healthy?
Done properly, in my opinion (I’m not a registered dietician and am no way telling anyone how to eat) I would prefer a gluten free diet most of the time. I don’t strictly eat gluten free as most people can tolerate it well enough in small amounts, and the thing to remember is that gluten is just one of many dietary components that could or could NOT lead to health issues.
Eating gluten free doesn’t mean one has to buy all these expensive specialty gluten free products. Nor is it a free ticket to eat a bunch of crap in place of gluten.
One of the biggest mistakes people make when going gluten free is to assume “gluten free = healthy” and then going overboard with a bunch of unhealthy foods all in the name of avoiding gluten. Instead, it’s much healthier (and cheaper) to eat quality whole foods like brown rice, quinoa, beans and lentils, and or just other non-starchy foods like fiberous vegetables, fruit, and protein in place of gluten containing grains.
If you want a simple free weight loss diet guide, then check out this free fat loss e-series which lays out the basics of eating for weight loss.
Following the suggestions in my free health and fitness free survival guide would also be a good starting point.
Lactose free?
I also like a lactose reduced or free diet as lactose can cause digestive issues in many people. If you still like your dairy, try including some greek yoghurt or kefir with active cultures. Cultured dairy often has far less lactose. Cultured dairy like kefir is also an excellent source of beneficial bacteria referred to as probiotics. Probiotics have been shown to play a role in everything ranging from immune system health, skin appearance, and even weight gain or loss!
Getting Your Own Miley Cyrus “Hollywood” Body:
Pilates Videos:
Free Diet And Weight Loss Guide:
Free Fat Loss E-Series – Isabel De Los Rios lays out the basics of which foods to eat and avoid in this highly recommended series for anyone looking to learn the must know information for healthy weight loss.
Top Of The Line Female Fitness Training:

Gluten Free Eating: