Tag Archives: motivation

The Healthy Habit Revolution Book

3 Things I Did To Change My Fitness Habits

The Journey Begins

11 years ago, I was eating fast food every single night and I never exercised.

I remember my friends would tease me about how little I cared about my body, but since I wasn’t facing any major pain staying where I was at, I didn’t see a reason to change.

However, something happened that shifted everything for me to where within a single year, I become a hardcore health nut, was exercising regularly, put on over 20lbs of muscle, and made a *permanent* shift in my habits that’s stuck with me 11 years later.

What caused this shift?

I’m going to give you three very significant insights.

3 Things That Changed Everything

1) Greater awareness leading to caring

At first, I didn’t care that I was eating a crappy diet because I didn’t see the consequences.

Once I read a book on what the bad foods I was eating full of trans-fats were doing to my health, I then started to care because I saw what was happening to my body right in that moment.

It wasn’t a matter of dealing with consequences when I was eighty years old.  The consequences of poor skin, lack of energy, and premature aging were *immediate*.

2) Self-image change

Since I prided myself on being a smart guy, once I saw my actions weren’t smart, I made a shift in my behavior to do the “smart thing.”

I also made a conscious choice that I WANTED and CHOSE to be someone that is a fit person.  When I chose the identity of being a health conscious person, my actions started to change to match that identity.

3) Action without perfection

I didn’t wait until I had a perfect plan to get started.  I did the things I knew would start moving me forward right away like…

Cut out french fries.  Drop all of the soft drinks.  Workout to a video I found in my parents’ house.

Months later I would later invest in getting a great workout and diet program after a lot of searching for the “perfect” program.

However, I didn’t let not having that (seemingly) perfect program stop me from doing *something*.

Taking This Further With A Step-by-Step Plan

If you get the principles behind these things, you’ll be well on your way to better habits.

If you’d like a step-by-step program that guides you through the process of changing your habits in only 5 minutes a day showing you how to…

– Shift your self-image on command

– Find the perfect plan when you have no idea what to do

– Overcome overwhelm and annihilate procrastination when taking on a new challenge

– Learn what motivates you uniquely and tap into that for inspiration

– Use the force stronger than willpower to create lasting change

– And more…

Then I believe you’ll love my newest book The Healthy Habit Revolution: Your step-by-step blueprint to create better habits in only 5 minutes a day

It’s available this week only until 01/19/2015 for .99 cents on Amazon kindle here: http://amzn.to/1xtx4NO

How To Stick To A Diet Book

How To Stick To A Diet – 3 Secrets To Unstoppable Diet Motivation

Why Is It So Hard To Stick To Diet?

Just saying the word “diet” brings about fear and dread in most people.  The idea of giving up your favorite foods, having to eat boring “health food,” and the constant need to force yourself to stay motivated all so you can have a better body leads countless people to search for ways to avoid “dieting” all together.

The reason diets are so challenging is they typically require sacrificing what you love, making changes to your typical routine, and going against every natural emotional inclination to eat whatever you can and enjoy life to the fullest.

So does that mean a person has to decide between sticking with a diet or being happy?  Not at all! Continue reading

Simplest Diet

The Simplest Diet Strategy – 3 Idiot-Proof Tips To Healthy Eating

Diet Information Overload

Simplest Diet Eat RightIt seems you can’t walk into any bookstore without seeing hundreds of different books all promoting contradictory approaches to what the “best” diet is for any purpose.  It’s easy to get overwhelmed with all the recommendations ranging from low-carb, low-fat, vegetarian and vegan, paleo, intermittent fasting, high protein, Mediterranean, blood type, and countless other incarnations.

Almost everyone is claiming they’re right about the best way to lose fat, pack on muscle, and banish disease forever, but in the end people looking for answers just end up more confused, overwhelmed, and likely to give up all together with the massive amount of conflicting advice going around.  I’ve spent literally thousands of hours digging through all sorts of conflicting advice, so I know first hand how hard it can be to make sense of it all.

And yet I can’t help but wonder, how many people need to read a frickin’ book to realize that perhaps french fries and soft drinks everyday aren’t going to get them the six pack and lean body they’ve wanted.  The biggest problem may not be that people are ignorant to what they can do, but they’re just simply overwhelmed with too much information and need something simpler that they can latch onto.

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How To Get Yourself Motivated – The Ultimate Fitness Motivation Guide


The Source Of Your Results

Need More Motivation?

Struggling to stick with a diet, exercise plan, or healthy lifestyle?  Having trouble getting or staying motivated is quite possibly one of the biggest challenges people have when trying to get in shape.

I’m going to be sharing some of the biggest insights I’ve discovered in my years of psychological research and personal development for creating lasting motivation.  This stuff has the power to not only get you motivated to get in shape, but literally transform every area of your entire life.

I have to warn you however, some of what you read can be hard to hear for some people.  This guide going to keep it real and hit you with so truth.

Are you ready?

First of all, if you whine, complain, make excuses, fear anything that resembles hard work, don’t take responsibility for your life, and spend more hours in the day browsing the Justin Bieber fan page than you do trying to improve your life, then don’t be surprised if your life doesn’t magically get better.  You can’t expect your world to change if you don’t make a change in your world.

Now, I know a few people out there may feel like I’m being “preachy” here… deal with it.  I have to tell you the truth if you want to get results.  That means telling you what you need to hear to get motivated vs. all the fluff and “feel good” stuff out there that doesn’t actually do anyone any good.

I will say this; don’t believe anything I or any other “expert” says without evaluating it for yourself.  I’m just sharing my observations of what works for me and what I’ve seen work for others.  It’s also what psychology has shown is essential for creating lasting motivation.  Discover for yourself whether anything I share has benefit in your life.

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