Category Archives: Motivation and Mindset

Limitation Leads to Liberation

A Parable From Break Through Your BS

Once upon a time in an ancient village, a young man dreams of adventure, but he has a great fear…

If he ventures outside his homeland, he knows there are those out there who would wish to enslave him.

Torn between his desire to explore the world freely and the fear that this will lead to his enslavement, he seeks out the village elder, a wise master, for advice.

The wise old master listens empathetically to the boy’s plea.

“Wise Master, I wish to have freedom, but I know there are those in the world outside my homeland who would shackle me up and take away my choice to live as I please once they see me. Can you help me?”

The wise master questions the young man, “Do you realize if you wish to venture outside of your homeland, you cannot avoid those who would try to enslave you?”

The young man replies, “Yes, master! I know those people cannot be avoided. But yet I also feel enslaved if I’m stuck in my homeland and never get to see the world. Is there any way I can explore the world without fear of being taken as a slave?”

The master strokes his long beard and replies, “Yes… there is but one way. I can share with you the secret to living free if you wish.”

The young man eagerly takes the old wise master up on the offer. “Show me the secret, please, Master!”

The master takes the young man to a cabin.

The wise master grabs the young man’s hands and proceeds to shackle them to the wall with heavy handcuffs.

The young man is shocked.

The young man protests, “What the eff!!   This is total bullshit, dude! I wanted you to show me how to be free from enslavement, and you just shackled me to a wall!”

The wise master looks at the young man and says, “You wanted the secret to being free from enslavement. If you want to travel free, I’m giving you exactly what you desire.”

Pause the story here for a moment…

How do you feel about what’s happening?

Is the young man right in saying what the master did is bullshit?

Is the master some sadistic asshole who gets off on tormenting the young man?

Or could it perhaps be the young man’s limited perspective that makes him accuse the master of bullshit, when it’s really the young man who doesn’t see the bigger picture?

Grab your popcorn, and let’s see if the next part changes your mind about anything…

Resume scene.

The young man cries out for answers. “How is enslaving me keeping me from enslavement? This makes no sense!”

The wise master replies, “You are enslaved, but only for a time. As you learn knowledge, you will be able to pick these locks. As you gain strength fighting against the shackles, eventually, you will be able to break free from these chains.”

The young man begins to come around after realizing the old man doesn’t wish to keep him enslaved permanently. Still he wonders, “But why do I need to know how to pick locks and break chains?”

The old master smiles. “Because young man, while you may not be able to avoid those who would shackle you, when you have the ability to break free from any shackle, no man can ever truly enslave you. Knowing this, you will be able to live free from both the enslavement of man’s shackles as well as the shackles of your own fear.”

The young man got the lesson. He graciously accepted his position of temporary enslavement knowing that with time and effort, these shackles would serve him to give him the knowledge and strength to break free from any other shackles that may be placed upon him.

Years later, with the master’s help and training, he learned to break free. For all the remaining years of his life, he traveled as a free man, neither remaining bound to those who shackled him nor fearing those who would try.

This is a story from my new book Break Through Your BS available now on Amazon.

The Force Stronger Than Willpower

Unlocking The Force Stronger Than Willpower For Fitness

There seems to be one thing I’ve found consistently that separates those who are successful in sticking to their resolutions and those who give up.

See if you can figure out for yourself why “Jim” is successful at reaching his fitness goals and “Bob” eventually gives up.

The following is an excerpt from 50 Fitness Tips You Wish You Knew.

Bob’s Story

Bob is serious about making a change.  He writes down his goals and has set up a diet plan based on tips he remembers hearing years ago.  The first step is he will bring in a salad every day to lunch.  His co-workers, who don’t share his same enthusiasm for good health, joke around with Bob about how Bob is has turned into a “health nut.”

Bob also is serious about working out and has gotten himself a nice home gym setup.  He has an old book he picked up on doing home bodyweight workouts and he is determined to follow through.  Which he does… for a while.

Jim’s Story

Jim is equally serious.  He invests some money in getting an online fitness coach.  The coach provides a good body weight workout routine Jim can do at home (very similar to Bob’s).  They talk about his goals, and he writes an action plan for success that they go over.

Jim also brings in a salad to work, but he eats it by himself so he can focus on listening to an audio book on nutrition.  Each week Jim checks in with his coach on his progress.

What’s The Difference?

Both Bob and Jim have set similar goals, follow a similar workout routine, made similar changes to their diets, and both have access to quality information on how to get fit.

But Bob fails while Jim succeeds.  Why is this?

I’ll give you a hint, it’s the same reason why someone in the military will push themselves beyond their usual limits.  It’s the same reason a stay at home mom will make incredible sacrifices for her children.  It’s the same reason why a person will work tirelessly at a job they don’t enjoy when they have bills to pay.

The difference is the environment.

Yogananda expresses this with the simple statement that, “Environment is stronger than willpower.”

Environment Is Strong Than Willpower

We are influenced to a strong degree by our environment.  This is because we have something built into our biology called called “mirror neurons.”  Mirror neurons literally recreate, in our minds, what we experience externally with our senses.  These mirror neurons may be why seeing someone yawn can make you yawn.  Or hearing others laugh can make you want to laugh.

What this means for sticking with a fitness habit, or any other habit for that matter, is that your environment and things like accountability may have more to do with success than your willpower.

You see, Bob was facing two issues.  The first is that he wasn’t accountable to anyone like a coach or partner who he could check in with to keep him on track.  He worked out at home which is fine, but he didn’t have anyone to push him or make sure he followed through with his workouts.  He also didn’t invest much time or money into his success so he didn’t feel bad when he gave up.

His environment at work was also an issue.  He was eating lunch with people who constantly teased him about getting healthy rather than supporting his decision.  He really was going in it alone.

Jim on the other hand hired a coach.  This meant he had to invest time and money in his success so he was sure to make it worth his sacrifice.  This also meant he had someone who he checked in with that was making sure he was following through with his home workout routines and providing inspiration.

Jim put himself into a positive environment at work too. Jim knew his co-workers, like Bob’s, wouldn’t understand why he’s decided to eat healthier.  So he simply decides to take that time to separate himself from potential negative influences and instead put himself in a positive environment of learning more about health by listening to an audio book.

How Your Environment Screws You Up

Let’s look at a few examples of a poor environment for fitness success:

  • Having a kitchen stocked full of foods that you wish to avoid.
  • Eating out at places that will put tempting foods in front of you.
  • Exercising with people who don’t push themselves at all.
  • Sharing your goals and accomplishments with people who will criticize you or not support you.
  • Hanging out with others who don’t share similar goals and ambitions.

None of these things are inherently bad.

It would be impossible to always avoid tempting foods.  It would also be particularly difficult to always avoid people who won’t support you, especially when they are family, co-workers, and close friends.

But the idea here is that you’ll want to be aware of these things having an influence, and either minimize your exposure to them, and/or compensate with more positive influences in your environment.

Setting Up Your Environment For Success

There are many ways to set up your environment for success, here are a few:

Better Environment = Better Choices

Better Environment = Better Choices

Hanging out with peers whom you aspire to be like. Visit to find local meetup groups related to health, fitness, and physical activities you enjoy. This helps creates both accountability and makes the process of staying fit more enjoyable when you share the experience with others.

  • Having a mentor or a coach who both teaches and keeps you accountable.
  • Having the right kinds of foods in your kitchen.
  • Visual cues like inspirational pictures and quotes.
  • Reading books and stories about people you admire.
  • Reading, listening to, or watching educational material.
  • Engaging in visualization to see and feel your goals as a reality.

The take home point here is that if you have limited willpower, that willpower is best invested in setting up a positive environment rather than wasted on having to fight against a poor environment.

What About Other People?

It’s very important to have positive influences for belief building too.  Many barriers are mental, and oftentimes it takes seeing someone else break through a barrier before we believe we can do it ourselves.  This is why a mentor is so helpful, but even hearing inspiring true stories can help.

It’s also important to note that just because one has environmental influences that are “negative” doesn’t mean they’re doomed to fail.  Going back to empowering questions, one can ask themselves “how can I make my environment a little better?” “Why will I succeed no matter what obstacles I face?”

The most powerful solution I’ve ever found whenever I catch myself letting other people’s opinions or criticism bring me down is asking this simple question: “Do I want to let other people’s opinions have power over me, or would I keep my power to reach my goals and live on my own terms?”

Want More Motivational Tips?

You can find more insights on creating healthy habits that stick, the most effective ways to burn fat, build muscle, and more in the #1 bestselling book 50 Fitness Tips You Wish You Knew.

3 Hidden Things That Kill Your Motivation To Workout

The Tug-O-War Of Desires

“I know I’d feel great if I’d exercise… but I just can’t seem to get the motivation to do it.”

Sound familiar?

On one hand you can have this overwhelmingly strong feeling you should exercise.  You know you’d be proud of yourself.  You’re excited about the thought of looking freakin sexy and feeling awesome…

But… on the other hand it feels like an invisible force is resisting your efforts.  Some mental or emotional block keeps you from getting started or sticking with an exercise routine leaving you feeling disappointed with yourself once again.

If this has ever happened to you, consider yourself normal.  It’s not that you’re lazy or unmotivated.  It’s that you’re not using the right scientifically proven strategies to change your habits.

Here are three big things that are killing your motivation and the tactics to overcome them.

Workout Motivation Killer 1 – Too Easy to Say “No” and Too Hard to Say “Yes”

Have you ever decided to just not go to work one day because you were feeling lazy?

Unless you’re a total slacker, it’s probably not likely.  The reason is because there’s a serious and often immediate consequence if you don’t go to work.

What happens if you don’t follow through with your workout?

Maybe there’s a feeling of disappointment in yourself for once again not following through…

But that’s not enough to get you started.  No amount of shaming yourself seems to get you to actually get your sh*t together and workout next time you say you’re going to.

Consider this…

What if you had to pay someone $20 for every workout you missed?

Do you think you’d follow through?

The consequence of failure needs to be immediate and compelling.

The flip side of this is you also need to make saying “yes” easier.

I had a gym that would often be closed when I wanted to go, so I made sure I had at home workout routines that I could always do.

I also had quick 10 minute workouts I could do even if I couldn’t do a full workout.  This meant saying “yes” to exercising was easier.

Some ways to make saying “yes” easier include:

  • Having a proven structured routine that takes guess-work out of it.
  • Working out with other people.
  • Choosing exercise you enjoy doing like dance.
  • Listen to an audiobook while exercising.
  • Having quick routines you can do anywhere on busier days.

Action Step

Answer The Following:

  • What can you do to make saying “no” to exercise harder?
  • What can you do to make saying “yes” to exercise even easier?

Workout Motivation Killer 2 – Identifying With The Resistance You Feel

We all have a voice in our head that pushes us to stay comfortable and casts self-doubt.

This voice gets even stronger if you’ve said you were going to do something in the past and you didn’t follow through.

It may say things like, “Oh… you really think you’re going to stick to an exercise plan this time? Pssh… you’re crazy. You said that before and you totally failed.  What makes you think THIS TIME will be any different? You might as well not even bother!”

When we identify with this voice, we say things like, “I’m lazy. I’m unmotivated. I’m probably going to screw this up again.”

Many times we’re not even aware of this voice – we only feel its effects.

The voice can come from a lot of places.  For some it’s their past failures, for others it’s a bad experience growing up with exercise so they have all kinds of negative feelings associated with it.

The first thing to recognize though is that this is a normal part of yourself.  You’re never going to be free from feelings of resistance and apprehension – especially with something that challenges you.

Since you can’t eliminate this, what you can do is cultivate the other part of yourself that says, “I CAN do this!  I WILL be successful!  I have what it takes!”

This doubting voice isn’t all bad though…

It likely has an important message to share with you.

It may be saying… “You’ve screwed up in the past.  So this time, do something different.  Take a smarter approach.  Listen to that awesome and sexy Derek Doepker guy because he totally knows what he’s talking about.” 😉

Action Step

  • Listen to the voice of resistance and ask what it’s trying to show you.
  • Avoid identifying with the resistance and connect with the warrior part of you that can overcome any challenge.
  • Act in spite of your feelings of resistance.

Workout Motivation Killer 3 – Expectations

If you had someone force you to give them money, you’d probably resent it and call it robbery. If on the other hand you had a friend that needed help, you may actually enjoy giving them some cash to help out.

In either case you’re losing money, but the first scenario is done by force rather than your own free will.

When we put expectations on ourselves like, “I HAVE TO workout at least 20 minutes a day or I SHOULD workout at least 5 days a week,” we’re creating expectations that not only result in resentment, but also often leads to an all-or-nothing mentality.

“I can’t exercise for 20 minutes today… so screw it I’m not even going to bother.”

These expectations can also build up overtime.  While at first it may have been cool to exercise for 5 minutes a day, eventually the pressure to have to do more and more builds up until a person feels they can’t handle it anymore and they quit.

The problem isn’t in having a desire to do more.  Striving to improve IS a part of the process.  I’m not saying holding yourself to a high standard or expectations is inherently bad.

The distinction is whether or not it’s based on “I HAVE TO/SHOULD” vs. “I WANT to” or “I’m GOING to.”

The key to overcoming expectations is to avoid the language trap of “have tos” and “shoulds” and instead focus on allowing yourself to act.

This can be done with questions like, “Can I just do another 10 minutes of exercise?”

If the answer is no, but you still did something, be proud of what you did accomplish.

Expectations also take the form of expecting a certain result.

A person can look great, but if the scale isn’t changing at the rate they expect it to, they get discouraged.

The key to this is to realize many times these expectations are arbitrary and developed by misleading advertisements that promise unrealistic results.

Ask yourself if what you’re expecting to happen is realistic, and if it is, then the focus goes to diagnosing the issue rather than wasting emotional energy on getting upset about it.

Action Step

  • Watch out for “I have to” and “I should” in your language.  Replace it with “I choose to” and “Can I just…?”
  • Set realistic expectations for what kind of outcomes you can achieve.  Seek an expert if you’re not sure what this entails.

Need An Extra Kick In The Ass Of Motivation?

To help you get even more motivation, accountability, and uncover the other hidden things that keep you from exercising every day, I run free online Facebook 7 day healthy habits challenge groups.

For details about my next one, shoot me a message at:

How to Build a Habit With a Bag Of Carrots

Creating Habits Doesn’t Have To Be Hard

Have you ever set a resolution that you tried and failed?

Chances are, you were taking the whole “I’m just going to use a bunch of willpower” approach.

Maybe you felt so fired up about your desire to do things better you felt nothing could stop you… and then life got in the way.

Discover the smarter (and scientifically backed) way to build a habit in the video below.

Want a Step-by-Step Program For Creating Habits?

My newest book, The Healthy Habit Revolution, will walk you through a process of building habits that stick in only 5 minutes a day.

You can get it on Amazon in both print and kindle editions here:


The Healthy Habit Revolution Book

3 Things I Did To Change My Fitness Habits

The Journey Begins

11 years ago, I was eating fast food every single night and I never exercised.

I remember my friends would tease me about how little I cared about my body, but since I wasn’t facing any major pain staying where I was at, I didn’t see a reason to change.

However, something happened that shifted everything for me to where within a single year, I become a hardcore health nut, was exercising regularly, put on over 20lbs of muscle, and made a *permanent* shift in my habits that’s stuck with me 11 years later.

What caused this shift?

I’m going to give you three very significant insights.

3 Things That Changed Everything

1) Greater awareness leading to caring

At first, I didn’t care that I was eating a crappy diet because I didn’t see the consequences.

Once I read a book on what the bad foods I was eating full of trans-fats were doing to my health, I then started to care because I saw what was happening to my body right in that moment.

It wasn’t a matter of dealing with consequences when I was eighty years old.  The consequences of poor skin, lack of energy, and premature aging were *immediate*.

2) Self-image change

Since I prided myself on being a smart guy, once I saw my actions weren’t smart, I made a shift in my behavior to do the “smart thing.”

I also made a conscious choice that I WANTED and CHOSE to be someone that is a fit person.  When I chose the identity of being a health conscious person, my actions started to change to match that identity.

3) Action without perfection

I didn’t wait until I had a perfect plan to get started.  I did the things I knew would start moving me forward right away like…

Cut out french fries.  Drop all of the soft drinks.  Workout to a video I found in my parents’ house.

Months later I would later invest in getting a great workout and diet program after a lot of searching for the “perfect” program.

However, I didn’t let not having that (seemingly) perfect program stop me from doing *something*.

Taking This Further With A Step-by-Step Plan

If you get the principles behind these things, you’ll be well on your way to better habits.

If you’d like a step-by-step program that guides you through the process of changing your habits in only 5 minutes a day showing you how to…

– Shift your self-image on command

– Find the perfect plan when you have no idea what to do

– Overcome overwhelm and annihilate procrastination when taking on a new challenge

– Learn what motivates you uniquely and tap into that for inspiration

– Use the force stronger than willpower to create lasting change

– And more…

Then I believe you’ll love my newest book The Healthy Habit Revolution: Your step-by-step blueprint to create better habits in only 5 minutes a day

It’s available this week only until 01/19/2015 for .99 cents on Amazon kindle here:

Missing Out On Something

The following is a guest blog post from Janelle of

My husband and I were at the Las Vegas airport waiting for our flight home after we had attended Higher Laws University 101 in St. George, UT. Since we had about 2.5 hours to spare before our flight left, we surveyed all the restaurants near our gate to determine our options.  Since both of us had been eating out at restaurants all week (with the exception of some healthy snacks) my body was telling me that it needed a salad.  However, my taste buds were telling me that they needed a burger from Carl’s Jr., a fast food chain restaurant that we don’t have in Canada and that I had never tried before.  As a compromise, I got a salad and green smoothie from a Mediterranean restaurant and a burger from Carl’s Jr.

Near our gate, we ran into Kyle McNeil, our Higher Laws Personal Results Specialist. Kyle said that his flight to Calgary did not leave for a couple of hours and that he was interested in getting some food. I sheepishly told him how I had made a compromise and got a burger and a salad to eat on the plane. I explained to him how I really didn’t feel like eating another fast food burger but I had never tried Carl’s Jr. before. Then he said, “So you feel like you would be missing out on something…

I told him that I had never really thought of it that way before and thanked him for this awareness.  Then Kyle continued by saying, “That’s what your Hyena will tell you but you’re not missing out on anything…

NOTE:  There are two parts to ourselves because there must be opposition in all things – The Hyena (i.e. ego) and The Lion (higher self).  The Hyena is that part of ourselves that holds back, shrinks from our potential, makes excuse and is selfish and prideful.  The Lion is that part of ourselves that strives, takes the next step towards our potential, is selfless and full of unconditional love.

After we boarded the plane, I stared out the window for several hours.  Kyle’s simple statement had such deep impact on me.  I experienced a “dark night of the soul” and my heart ached as I thought about all the things I was really missing out on. I wish I could chase my son on the playground.  I wish I could run the way he could.  I wish I didn’t stress out that I could not run and catch up to my son if he got too far ahead of me on the sidewalk. I wish I had more energy and vitality. I wish I had more choices in the clothes I could wear and buy. I wish I could bend over and tie my shoes and still be able to breathe and that the zipper on my pants wouldn’t pop open. I wish I could walk down the aisle of the bus at work and not have to walk sideways. I wish I felt more attractive and sexy for myself and my husband. I wish I could dance the way I used to.  These are truly the things I am missing out on.

I am so grateful to Kyle for helping me to see my Hyena. It was a painful realization but now I think I am ready to take the next step towards a bright new future…

About the Author:  My name is Janelle. I have been living and working in Alberta, Canada for the last 19 years. I have been married to my loving husband for 11 years and we have a beautiful 5 year old son. You can read about my other experiences in applying Higher Laws (principles that produce results in unleashing potential, finances and love and relationships) learned from Brandon Broadwater at The Answer to Everything Event and University 101 at:

Why We Lose Our Results

Today I want to share with you the biggest mistakes that I see people make who start the journey to better themselves in fitness, relationships, business, or overall happiness.  It’s a trap that I’ve fallen into many times myself and I can guarantee you have too.

The reason I can guarantee you’ve made this mistake is because every single person struggles with this unless you become conscious of the pattern and make an effort to break it.  Even after I was taught this pattern I STILL fell into it and it applies to anything in life – so I suggest paying close attention.

The trap that I fell into is something Brandon Broadwater calls the “Pride Cycle.”

Here’s are the four stages of the price cycle:

  1. Growth: You’re studying and (more importantly) practicing and applying new skills.  Maybe you’re studying how to exercise, eat healthier, or general self-improvement.  You could be working with a personal trainer or coach to take things to the next level.  Perhaps you’re just working on being a better person all around.
  2. Success and Prosperity: If you stayed in a state of growth and applied what you learn, eventually you have a breakthrough.  You’ve finally reached the point of “success.”
  3. Pride: You start to study less, work less hard, and say things like “I know all that already.”  Even worse, you may start to feel better and superior to others that you’ve surpassed and feel like they don’t have anything to teach you.
  4. The Fall: Eventually your pride becomes your downfall and you start to lose the fruits you’ve earned. In areas of competition, it could mean seeing your competition blow past you.  The pain of loss eventually becomes a wake-up call.  It’s at this point you hit rock bottom and realize you have to start growing and learning new things if you want to get back on top.  When things get bad enough, you re-enter the growth phase and the cycle starts over.

The thing is, you are always somewhere in the pride cycle. The only way to avoid the fall is to stay in the first two stages, growth and prosperity.

One great method to stay in a state of growth is to ask yourself quality questions like “How can I keep learning?” “How can I create a new challenge for myself to take things even further” “What is it I should be learning that I’m not?”

For more information on staying out of the pride cycle including the one attribute that overcomes pride, you can attend the Answer To Everything Event.

Mini Habits For Major Results

The Best Strategy Ever For Sticking To It?

Today I want to share with you the most stupid simple strategy for reaching your goals and developing habits I have ever come across.

Without implementing this approach, what tends to happen is people follow through on their resolutions when their motivation is high, but fall back into old routines when their motivation is low.

When you apply this approach however, it’s virtually IMPOSSIBLE to fail at what you set out to do. People are reporting finally being able to make breakthroughs in turning things like exercise and healthy eating into lifelong habits.

This approach is using something Stephen Guise of Deep Existence calls Mini Habits.

What Are Mini Habits?

It’s the same basic idea that I recommend in my books of limiting yourself to 1-2 small, easily achievable goals you follow through with everyday until it becomes a habit, and then adding more over time.

Stephen takes this idea to a whole new level however based on the research in the areas of willpower and ego-depletion.  All you need to know for now is that mini-habits rely on willpower instead of motivation, and therefore you don’t have to “feel like” doing them to actually follow through.  This is because they’re so easy, it’s almost harder not to do them.

Here’s what a “mini-habit” would look like.

1. Do one pushup a day

2. Read 2 pages of a book a day

3. Do 30 seconds of meditation a day (one of my mini habits)

How Do Small Habits Lead To Big Results?

These are things so small, you pretty much can’t fail to do them. But the genius thing is that once you get started, you’ll likely go WAY past your goal.

If you do a single pushup for instance, the majority of the time you’ll think “what the hell, I might as well do a few more!”

If you only stick to doing a single pushup and that’s it, you’re STILL successful, and this feeling of success will give you a sense of satisfaction that keeps you moving forward every single day.

I suggest you read Stephen’s book for a more in-depth explanation on just how powerful this can be.

Who Needs This?

Even though I’m a pretty self-disciplined person, I still have my problems with habit development from time to time.  This is because habits can actually take a lot longer than 21-30 days to develop.

There was a period where for a long streak that I was doing meditation for 5-10+ minutes a day.  Then some days I would shoot for 15-30 minutes.  When that started to feel overwhelming, I gradually fell out of the habit all together.

Fortunately I’ve picked meditation back up by setting myself a mini habit of 30 seconds of daily mediation.  And to add to that, I’ve written it down on a sheet of paper that I keep visible so I always remember to do it each day.  Even if I’m about to go to sleep I can knock out a 30 second meditation.  You just CAN’T fail with this!

How Do You Get Started?

Check out Stephen’s book Mini Habits on Amazon and here’s a great post he did explaining the concept in more detail.

Why new fitness information is usually a waste of time

As an author, one piece of feedback I occasionally get from people either about my own work (particularly with motivation) or another person’s is that “it isn’t anything new.”

And my response would be something like “do you want to learn something new that doesn’t work, or learn what’s age old and has worked for thousands of years?”

To me, I’d rather go with the time tested and proven approach any day.  After all, there’s really nothing new under the sun. Most things written in a fitness book in the last 10 years have probably been known about for at least several generations if not thousands of years.

While it could be said that a characteristic of success is “constant learning,” that’s a little too simplistic.  Instead, it’s about HOW people learn that makes or breaks their results.

It’s not only in seeing something new that you learn, but also in seeing something old in a new way.

Most of the time we lose sight of the basics and need to constantly get refocused on the boring things we all know about that lead to results.

Many of the world’s most successful people re-read the same books over and over again. Obviously they’re not getting new information, but they’re still learning because each time they read, they’re coming from a different place.

It’s easy to get caught up in fitness fads and seeking out “shiny new objects” where we want something new and different instead of doing what we already know works.

While learning novel information has its place, I encourage you to take a new look at old things.

Walking for instance isn’t a new and sexy form of exercise, but could you make it exciting by walking and listening to an interesting podcast?  Find a walking partner to have conversations with?  Walking up hills instead of on the sidewalk or treadmill?

You could also re-read an old book and see if you get new perspective now that you’re a different person reading it than the first time around.

Old and boring is typically old and boring because you’re not making the effort to see things in a new light.

Try seeing everything through “beginner’s eyes” and notice how much more interesting your life becomes.


Best Fitness Tips Book

The Best Fitness Book Ever?

Best Fitness Tips Book

Get This Book Today!

The Fitness Tips You WISH You Knew

I am super psyched to announce the release of what I consider to be hands down one of the best health and fitness books for the price you’re ever going to find.  My new book “50 Fitness Tips You Wish You Knew” has just launched and it reveals cutting edge tips you won’t find anywhere else.

Ok, maybe you can find some of these tips elsewhere.  I won’t claim to have “invented” everything I share in this book.  But it did take me nine years and thousands of hours of research and personal experimentation to distill down all the various insights of psychology, motivation, herbal remedies, body hacks, exercise tips, healthy eating strategies for broke and busy people, end more into one simple to read guide.

Do You Wish You Knew…

• How to get your best night of sleep ever? Tip #5 reveals something that modern research has just discovered in the past couple years and normalize your circadian rhythms and help you sleep like a baby your first night using it – Hint: It’s NOT a supplement!

• The root source of all of your behaviors? Tip #15 reveals what this is so when you change this, your entire life will change!

• The top 5 supplements you must take for ideal health? Tip #37 reveals the essential nutrients you’re likely missing that can all be replaced for less than the price of a cup of coffee a day!

• What to do if you have almost no time to exercise? Tip #45 reveals how to cut your exercise time down into half while increasing your fat loss and muscle building results!

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