Building Muscle

How To Keep Gaining Muscle – 5 Tips To Always Be Growing

Building Mass All Year RoundBuilding Muscle

When I first started training, every week I was excited to hit the gym and blow past my previous best lifts.  I can still recall the excitement of getting that much closer to a 200 lb bench press as each week went by.  I could literally see myself transforming in the mirror month after month going from a skinny guy to someone that actually looked somewhat manly.  All in all, it pretty easy to stay motivated with rapid newbie gains.

But that didn’t last forever.  Eventually progress stalled, and it felt like I was having to fight tooth and nail to just add a rep or two to a lift and get even a fraction of an inch bigger.

This can be one of the most frustrating issues a guy deals with when trying to pack on muscle.  Slowed or non-existent gains can sap motivation if one doesn’t know what to do about it.  Before I did the things I’m about to share with you, I felt like I was doomed to just slowly grind away for the rest of my life to get every last ounce of additional muscle.

But after I made a few simple tweaks, particularly when I saw what a friend was doing that was getting him incredible results, I’ve found that gaining muscle non-stop without plateauing is possible for just about anyone serious about their bodybuilding training.  Keep reading to find out my top 5 tips on how to keep gaining muscle year after year.

Increase Calories

If you want to grow, you’re going to need a lot of quality calories.  The thing that can easily be overlooked however is that as you gain more muscle, you’re going to need to increase your calorie intake appropriately.

When I started out and went from 118lbs to 153lbs, I had to continually ramp up my calorie intake.  Once I was in the 150s and wanted to get to the 170s, I couldn’t keep eating the same amount of calories that got me my initial muscle mass.  I had to eat like a 170 pound person to become a 170 pound person.

While this may seem stupidly obvious, what isn’t so obvious is how many calories one may actually be eating vs. thinking they’re eating.  If you’re not gaining any weight, be it fat or muscle, it may have less to do with what’s going on in the gym and more to do with what’s going on in the kitchen.  The first place to turn to when your mass gains slow down is what’s on your place.

Focus On Exercise Form And Technique

The second area that I’ve seen countless guys in the gym screw up is their exercise form in the gym.  As a beginner, a person can get away with crappy form and still get stronger and grow.  But once someone gets more advanced, those weak links and sloppy habits will catch up with them.

“Proper” form though isn’t just about doing exercises with picture perfect technique.  It’s also about learning how to create tension in the proper muscles.  Here’s an example.

Do a pushup.

Now this time, focus on contracting your pecs, squeezing your hands together, and imagine pushing the ground away from you.  Maintain tension in your pecs the entire time and go a bit slower up and down.

Notice a difference?

When it comes to building muscle, it’s not just about getting a weight from point A to point B.  It’s about learning how to recruit the right muscles for the job.  This can mean leaving the ego at the door, dropping the weights down, slowing the tempo a bit, and learning to really contract the proper muscles.

While lowering the weights you use and focusing on better form and muscle recruitment may seem like a step backwards, it’s actually setting you up for much better and more continuous gains down the road.


Specialization is a form of training where you do extra work for one or only a couple target muscle groups while doing less work (maintenance) for the rest of the body.  This is not recommended for beginners, but it is absolutely perfect for those who’ve built a solid foundation and want to continue getting those “newbie” type of gains in certain muscles or lifts.

People have reported out of this world gains in certain lifts and muscle groups, even if they had many years of training already, by doing specialization programs.

For myself, my legs are a strong-point and responded well to training early on.  The thing is, working the legs demands a lot of my body’s recovery abilities.  So it makes sense for me as I advance to do less work for my legs and then bump up the work for something like my arms.  This allows my body to take its limited recovery abilities and direct all that growth to my arms so they keep growing while my legs stay the same size and strength with relatively little work.

You can actually cycle specialization workout routines throughout the year (tip #5) to keep up your motivation and to keep growing constantly.  For information on how to set up a specialization routine, check out this article.

Do A Different Style Of Training

I can still recall the shock of seeing how my friend had blown past me on many major lifts while I was away at college.  I thought I knew everything there was to know about how to train to maximize muscle gains.  What was his secret?

It turns out, he was doing everything wrong!

Or at least so I thought…

I believed at the time the best way to train was with body part splits where each muscle group was hit once per week.  He was hitting each muscle group three times a week with total body workouts.  As much as that didn’t fit my “dogma” of proper bodybuilding, I couldn’t argue with his results.  I also couldn’t argue with my results either when I copied what he was doing and started getting similar gains.

So was there something wrong with my previous routine?  No.  It just turns out that there’s no one best way to train.  Oftentimes the thing that your body will respond most to is something that it hasn’t adapted to yet.

That means switching up your routine to something different than what your current routine does.

Doing a high volume routine?  Try a low volume higher intensity routine.

Doing once per week body part splits?  Try 3 full body workouts each week.

Lifting heavy weights for low reps and long rest periods?  Try lifting lighter weights with less rest.

The key thing is to recognize that whatever you’ve been doing for a while, it needs to be switched up to prevent the body from adapting.  Just don’t keep switching it up every workout so your body never adapts to anything unless you have a set plan in place for how you’re going to progress.

(I should note, if you’re in a particular sport or Olympic lifting where building muscle is secondary to mastering a skill, this isn’t the best approach)

Periodization Routines

Periodization is a way of switching up the style of training throughout different periods of time to maximize performance and gains.  There are different types of periodization, and it often takes the wisdom of a trainer to understand how to set up a training cycle to match an individual’s goals.  But when done correctly, this is a powerful way to ensure you’re constantly making noticeable gains for the rest of your life.

If you’d like to learn more about how to implement one version of this advanced technique, I highly suggest this free article here.

If you’d like a proven program that already has a plan laid out for lasting gains for an entire year, fitness trainer JC Deen has a great one that I’ve checked out here.


I want to wrap up by making a note that it can be important to manage your expectations.  If you’re still getting stronger each workout, even if it’s just adding a pound to a lift, that’s still progress!

If a person could add 5 pounds to every lift and a pound of body weight every week, then we’d all be 300 + pound monsters bench pressing 1000 pounds after a several years.  Obviously, this doesn’t happen.

On the other hand, if you’ve been doing the same thing month after month and haven’t seen any gains, it may be time to reconsider your approach.  Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result.

Leave a comment below to let me know how you plan on keeping your gains going strong.

By: [googleplusauthor]


Best Fitness Gifts For Men and Women

GiftGift Ideas For Fitness Enthusiasts

Trying to find that perfect Christmas, holiday, or birthday gift idea for the fitness junkie in your life?  Look no further!  You’re about to discover the perfect gifts for guys and girls that can match any price point.  I can attest as a fitness lover myself that just about any of these gifts would hit the spot for me.

Table Of Contents

Click a link to scroll down to the section on the page:

 Workout Routines and DVDs


What Is It?

A collection of DVD videos and manuals for home fat loss and muscle building workouts and diet plans.

Who’s It For?

Men and women who are interested in burning fat and building muscle with home workouts who can spare several hours a week.  People without any major medical problems or injuries that are able to train intensely.  Those with minimal equipment like dumbbells and a pullup bar (needed for the routine).

What Are The Features and Benefits?

P90x has become one of the most popular home workout routines with good reason; it works!  Many people want the convenience of a home workout but still want a “gym body.”  The workouts target the entire body, and the routines switch up every month to give a person a good 90 days worth of workouts to go through.  It also covers diet making it a complete blueprint for transforming a person’s body.  It only requires minimal equipment so it’s a great gift for those without a gym membership.

Price Range?

$100 – $150

P90x 2

What Is It?

A collection of DVD videos and manuals for home fat loss and muscle building workouts and customizable diets.

Who’s It For?

A perfect gift for those who have completed the original P90x and are looking to go even further.

What Are The Features and Benefits?

The same as the original P90x but with new workouts to keep the progress going and build upon current progress from the original program.

Price Range?

$100 – $150

Tony Horton’s 10 Minute Trainer Home Workout

What Is It?

A collection of DVD videos and manuals for 10 minute per day home fat loss and toning workouts and diet plans.

Who’s It For?

Men and women who want to get in great shape on a busy schedule.  The workouts are designed to be done in only 10 minutes a day, at home, without investing in any extra equipment (resistance bands included).

What Are The Features and Benefits?

Tony Horton, the creator of P90x, provides intense workouts for those with only 10 minutes a day to spare.  It includes dvds that walk through the entire workouts detailing how to do every exercise.  Eating plan is included to tailor to a person’s goals.

Price Range?


Insanity Home Fat Loss Workout DVDs

What Is It?

A collection of DVD videos and manuals for high intensity cardiovascular workouts aimed at fat loss.

Who’s It For?

Men and women who are primarily interested in cardiovascular workouts, fat loss, and improving athleticism who want to do a home workout without any extra equipment or gear.  Should be capable of performing higher intensity workouts without any major medical issues.

What Are The Features and Benefits?

Insanity is a 60 day series of workouts and nutrition plans designed with fat loss and athleticism as the goal.  Since it doesn’t require any extra equipment, it’s perfect for those without access to a gym and that don’t have extra gear.  Its primary purpose is to burn fat quickly and keep workouts interesting to prevent boredom and stagnation.

Price Range?

$100 – $150

Zumba DVDs

What Is It?

DVD videos on Zumba, a mix of dancing and exercise.

Who’s It For?

Primarily aimed at women (although men may enjoy it), Zumba is designed to make exercise enjoyable by combining a variety of dance styles such as salsa, belly dancing, and hip-hop.  It’s a great gift for the person who has trouble working out because of boredom.

What Are The Features and Benefits?

While Zumba won’t create radical transformations in a person’s physique like more intense routines such as P90x and Insanity, it is generally better for those looking to make workouts fun while still providing an intense workout to see benefits.  It can be done without any extra equipment and includes special fat loss routines and a variety of programs and dance styles to keep things interesting.

Price Range?

$50 – $70

 Exercise and Workout Gear

Cellerciser Rebounder

What Is It?

A Cellerciser is the best quality mini trampoline for rebounding.  Rebounding is considered to be quite possibly the best form of exercise developed by mankind according to NASA.

Who’s It For?

Guys and girls who want to improve health, strengthen their entire body, and get in a cardiovascular workout that is better than jogging in less time.  Those who want to work out in their own home, in front of a tv, and/or find a way to make exercise fun.  Rebounding has been enjoyed and touted as addictive even by those who hate other forms of exercise.

What Are The Features and Benefits?

You won’t find a treadmill on this list of gift ideas for a couple reasons.  One is the price point, and the other is that treadmills and other forms of exercise can’t compare to rebounding.  Rebounding, due to the effects of gravity, literally strengthen every single cell in the body and flush the lymph system improving health and strengthening the muscles.  More calories are burned in 30 minutes of rebounding vs. 30 minutes of jogging.  It takes up a relatively small amount of space, and can be done just about anywhere in a house or apartment.  It’s low impact so it won’t stress the joints for those who struggle with higher impact exercise like jogging.

Price Range?

$300 – $400 (For A High Quality Cellerciser)

Adjustable Kettlebell

What Is It?

A kettlebell that allows you to adjust the weight from 16 – 36 pounds.

Who’s It For?

Guys and girls who want the benefits of training with a kettlebell at home or in the gym or who currently train with kettlebells and want more flexibility with the weight.  Those not needing a heavier kettlebell.

What Are The Features and Benefits?

Kettlebell training has surged in popularity due to their ability to train and condition the entire body.  A total body fat loss, muscle building, and athleticism improving workout can be done with just kettlebells.  The benefits of this kettlebell lies in the fact that the weight can be adjusted accordingly without having to purchase multiple kettlebells.

Price Range?

$100 – $150

Bowflex Adjustable Dumbbells

What Is It?

Two dumbbells that allows you to adjust the weight from 5 to 52.5 pounds per dumbbell in 2.5 – 5 pound increments.

Who’s It For?

Those who want the benefits of training with dumbbells at home and want to save space.

What Are The Features and Benefits?

These dumbbells are a compact way to get in a total workout at home with levels that can adjust to match many strength levels of each exercise.  It is not for those wishing to train with very heavy weights, but the weight levels are adequate for many people’s strength levels.

Price Range?

$250 – $300


What Is It?

Portable floor sliders that allow you to do unique exercises anywhere.

Who’s It For?

This is a simple and inexpensive gift for those who would like to be able to do a workout anywhere such as while traveling, at home, or in the office.

What Are The Features and Benefits?

These are a unique way to do new exercises with only body weight.  They are more of a supplement in my opinion to other exercises.  They are perfect for those who travel and want a way to get in a workout.

Price Range?


Resistance Bands

What Is It?

Resistance bands with various levels of resistance, a door anchor (to attach to a door for more exercise options), and an ankle strap.

Who’s It For?

Men and women who want to be able to do total body workouts anywhere they want.  Allows for a unique form of resistance not obtainable with free weights.  One of the best gifts for frequent travelers, college students, and those without access to a gym.

What Are The Features and Benefits?

Resistance bands are portable and can be used to exercise and strengthen every muscle of the body through the many exercises that can be done with them.  They are my favorite method of adding resistance to home based workouts.

Price Range?


Pullup Bar

What Is It?

A pullup bar that attaches to any doorway without requiring screws.

Who’s It For?

Men and women who want to be able to do pullups in a doorway at home.

What Are The Features and Benefits?

Be able to do one of the best upper body exercises without screwing in a pullup bar.  Needed for P90x and other home workout routines.

Price Range?

$20 – $30

Ab Wheel

What Is It?

A wheel that can be used to strengthen the abs with “ab rollout” exercises.

Who’s It For?

Individuals with some preexisting degree of core strength and athletes.  A great gift for those who are sick of the overpriced ab machines that don’t deliver results.

What Are The Features and Benefits?

This inexpensive little device is hands down one of the absolute best ways to get in a good ab and core workout.  Forget about all the gimmicky infomercial ab products out there.  THIS is the device a person needs to strengthen their core and it is extremely affordable.  Easier and more difficult variations of the ab wheel exercise can be done by adjusting feet and leg positioning, but it is generally for those with a descent amount of strength in good health.

Price Range?

$10 – $15

Manduka Yoga Mat

What Is It?

A high quality mat for yoga exercises.

Who’s It For?

Yoga lovers.

What Are The Features and Benefits?

Simply a high quality yoga mat that comes in a variety of colors.  Light weight and measures 24 inches by 71 inches.

Price Range?

$60 – $80

Balance Ball Chair

What Is It?

A balance ball with a base to be used as a chair that strengthens the core.

Who’s It For?

Those who sit a lot and want to improve their posture and core strength.

What Are The Features and Benefits?

Improved posture and ab strength from simply sitting around.  This is great for those who work at a computer or sit for extended periods of time.

Price Range?

$60 – $80

 Pedometers and Tracking Devices

Fitbit Tracking Device

What Is It?

A device that tracks a person’s steps, calories burned, and sleep cycle and syncs to computer software for additional features.

Who’s It For?

Men and women with health goals and want a near effortless way to track and monitor progress. This is one of the top gifts for people that like “tech” sort of stuff. Great for those who are strict or want to be strict about measuring and tracking their fitness levels.

What Are The Features and Benefits?

Tracks steps and calories burned then transmits that information wirelessly to a computer.   Helps a person keep track of their goals and progress automatically.  Includes a silent alarm that allows a person to wake themselves up without waking their partner.

Price Range?


Polar Heart Rate Watch Pedometer

What Is It?

A watch that tracks heart rate.

Who’s It For?

Cardio lovers who want to target a certain heart rate during exercise.

What Are The Features and Benefits?

Tracks heart rate and records up to 16 training sessions to measure progress.

Price Range?

$60 – $90

 Fitness Books

The 4-Hour Chef by Tim Ferriss

What Is It?

A book that covers how to cook as well as how to learn new skills.

Who’s It For?

Men and women both young and old who want to learn the skills of cooking, eating healthy, and the art of learning new skills.  Perfect for both inexperienced and experienced cooks alike.

What Are The Features and Benefits?

Best selling author Tim Ferriss always delivers with his work.  This book is full of high quality color photos and details that allow a person to quickly pick up the art of cooking.  Tim also covers the important aspects of developing any new skill making this an interesting read even for those with little interest in cooking specifically. Books always make a great affordable gift.

Price Range?


The 4-Hour Body by Tim Ferriss

What Is It?

A book that covers how to burn fat, build muscle, develop incredible strength, overcome injuries, and improve sex life in the least amount of time possible.

Who’s It For?

Any fitness enthusiast.  Especially those who want to know how to maximize their health and fitness results in the least amount of time spent each week.

What Are The Features and Benefits?

No matter how knowledgeable a person is, they’ll likely pick up a new thing or two from this book making it an excellent gift idea.  Tim has spent years personally experimenting and talking with the world’s elite trainers and professionals on how to “hack” the body to get maximum performance and results.

Price Range?


 Health and Wellness Equipment

Inversion Table

What Is It?

A table that allows a person to invert aka. hang upside for back relief and health benefits.

Who’s It For?

Anyone that wants the benefits of inversion therapy or that complains about back and neck pain.

What Are The Features and Benefits?

Inversion therapy benefits include pain relief, strengthening the body and joints, and decompressing the spine.  For details about the benefits of inversion, check out this article.

Price Range?

$100 – $150

At Home Infrared Suana

What Is It?

An infrared suana that can be set up at home.

Who’s It For?

Anyone that wants to enjoy the benefits of a sauna and infrared therapy in their own home.

What Are The Features and Benefits?

Saunas and particularly infrared sauna are a great way to detoxifying the body and relieve stress.  They provide cardiovascular and calorie burning benefits while simply sitting in the sauna.  For more details about the benefits of infrared saunas, check out this article.

Price Range?

$500 – $600


 Kitchen Items

Breville Juicer

What Is It?

An easy to use juicer for juicing fruit and vegetable juices at home.

Who’s It For?

Guys and girls that want to enjoy the health benefits of juicing.

What Are The Features and Benefits?

Juicing is a tremendous way to improve health with little effort.  This Breville juicer is the one I personally use and have found it to be extremely easy to use, quick, and requires very little clean up time. It is one of the best gifts you can give to help someone improve their health.

Price Range?


Reader Comments

What are your favorite gift ideas for fitness lovers?

By: [googleplusauthor]

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EP Fitness Podcast 01 – How To Eat Healthy On A Busy Schedule

Excuse Proof Fitness Podcast Episode 1


Click here to subscribe on itunes.

In this podcast, Derek Doepker and Shane Edele discuss strategies for eating a healthy diet when you’re on a busy schedule.

You’ll discover:

  • How to make healthy meals in under 5 minutes
  • How to eat healthy when going out to restaurants
  • Ways to transform ordinary smoothies into incredible meals
  • Why store bought meal replacements are crap, and a simple way to make your own meal replacements
  • The healthiest and most addicting snack food on the plant

Resources Mentioned In The Podcast


Using a crockpot for bulk cooking

Crockpot chili recipe

Homemade Protein Bars

Kale Chips recipe

Quick spinach recipe

Kitchen Equipment

Time Saving Kitchen Equipment


Goji Berries


Making your own smoothies from any of the following:

  • Base: water, kefir, yogurt, milk, and/or dairy alternative like coconut milk
  • Protein: whey protein, rice protein, any powdered protein
  • Fiber: ground flax seed hulls, coconut flour, chia seeds, fiber supplement
  • Fruit: lemons, limes, berries like strawberries, blueberries, blackberries, etc
  • Fruit juice: no added sugar options like grapefruit, cranberry, pomegranate
  • Greens: spinach, parsley, kale, celery, cucumber, greens powder (fresh greens require high powered blender)
  • Superfoods: apple cider vinegar, cacao, medicinal mushrooms, phytoplankton, chlorella, spirulina, camu camu, kelp powder, noni, superfood blend
  • Fats and oils: coconut oil/milk/cream, palm oil, almond/almond flour/almond butter, cashews, fish oil
  • Sweeteners: stevia, lakanto, xylitol, in moderation raw organic honey, blackstrap molasses
  • Flavoring: Carob, Coffee beans, cocoa powder
Sample smoothie recipe:
  • 2 cups homemade kefir
  • 1.5 scoops whey protein
  • 1/2 cup frozen blueberries
  • 1-2 tablespoons coconut oil
  • 1 tablespoon coconut flour
  • 1 tablespoon carob powder
  • 1 teaspoon raw cacao
  • 1 teaspoon raw organic creamil

Another option, if I wanted higher carbs and lower fat would look like this

  • 1 cup coconut water kefir
  • 1.5 scoops whey protein
  • 1/2 cup blueberries
  • 1 banana
  • 1 tablespoon carob powder
  • 1 teaspoon raw cacao
  • 1 teaspoon honey

By: [googleplusauthor]


How To Stay Fit In College – The Ultimate College Fitness Guide

ExercisesThe Challenge Of Staying Fit In College

The challenges of staying in shape during college can seem daunting.  Limited time with classes and possibly working a job.  High levels of stress and lack of sleep.  Depending on the school, you may not always have access to a great gym either.

Is all of this to blame for the “freshman 15,” or are these merely minor obstacles to be overcome with a little ingenuity?

Despite being pretty busy and broke in college (and my school gym constantly closing for events), I still managed to get in the absolute best shape of my life during that time.

You’re about to discover my “ninja” strategies on how to stay fit in college.  Discover which exercises and workout routines will get and keep you in shape even if you’re busy, broke, and don’t have access to a gym.

For those who find the healthy eating aspect of college to be the biggest challenge, I highly recommend you check out my other article on eating healthy with a busy schedule as well as my free fitness survival guide which has tips for eating healthy on a budget.

Workout Routines For Busy College Students


High Intensity Resistance Training Workouts

I highly recommend everyone, guys and girls, do some form of heavy resistance training.  The reason being is that more muscle helps keep your metabolism high and body fat low.

While some women (and a few guys) shy away from heavy training for fear it will make them “bulky,” it is very difficult to get too bulky from resistance training without eating a lot of extra calories on a consistent basis.  Just look at how many guys try to bulk up and struggle to do so despite their best efforts.

For busy college students, I recommend following a program that only requires you to workout 2-3 times a week at most.  Even if you think you have more time, I’ve found there are so many unexpected things that can come up in college that it’s better to be cautious.

I also recommended full body routines or upper / lower body splits instead of working out each body part on its own day.  While each way is effective, full body or upper/lower routines seem to maintain fitness better if you happen to miss days at the gym.

Finally, a weekend only weight training routine works great for college students who may be too busy with classes during the week.

Quick and Effective Resistance Training Routines

No Gym Routines

Supersets and Circuit Routines

Let’s say you’ve already got an exercise plan you’re following, but you’d like to cut it down from 45-60 minutes to something under 30 minutes.

A great way to do this is alternate between exercises for different muscles in a “super-set” fashion.

For instance, if your plan calls for 3 sets of squats, with 2 minutes rest between sets, followed by 3 sets of calf raises with 2 minutes rest between sets, you can simply go back and fourth between squats and calf raises in a circuit fashion only resting momentarily between each set.

Another way to think of this is “active rest.”  Rather than resting between sets, always be doing some exercise.  This works particularly well with smaller muscle groups likes calves, abs, and forearms which are easy to incorporate between sets for larger muscle groups.

Rather than spending 20 minutes at the beginning or end of a workout working your abs (keep in mind six pack abs are made in the kitchen, not the gym), simply mix in your sets of ab exercises while resting up between your exercises for other muscles.

As a bonus, by cutting down rest time, you’re taxing your cardiovascular system and are getting cardio benefits as well.


Complexes are similar to circuit training in that you’re doing multiple exercises in succession with no rest between them.  The difference is complexes utilize the same barbell or dumbbell weight throughout.

For instance, you may take a 45 pounds barbell and do a set of 6 reps for squats, then go to overhead presses for 6 reps, to lunges for 6 reps, and then finish with rows for 6 reps.  Each exercise is done one right after the other with no rest between each exercise.  Each cycle through the exercises is one “complex.”

Complexes allow you to burn fat, enhance your conditioning, and even can spur on a little extra muscle growth all around the body.  This makes them the perfect option for time crunched students who need to get in and out of the gym in 20 minutes and want to get everything taken care of.  The downside is… they’re brutal.

Complex Workout Routines

Cardio Routines

Do you need to spend hours on the treadmill punishing yourself for a weekend of partying and desparately hoping to prevent the after effects from showing up on your midsection?

Not at all!

From both a fat loss and conditioning standpoint, shorter and more intense workouts tend to be more effective so long as they don’t interfere with recovery from other activities.

Here are a few simple things you can do to keep your body fat down and conditioning high.  Note, you only need to do a total of 2-3 cardio sessions a week when they’re high intensity.  So pick one of these things and do it 2-3 times a week, or pick 2-3 different workouts and do each one once a week.

Kettlebell Swings

If you only had 10 minutes to spare a week to exercise and could only do one thing, just do these.  10-20 minutes a week is all you need when done right.  Kettlebell swings are on of the best exercises for a better butt, and more power for men in sports.  Plus, they can even be done in a dorm room.

Aim for 75 total reps in a session.  Rest around 60 seconds between sets.  Do this 2-3 times a week.


You can do intervals by either sprinting on land, using a treadmill, or cycling on a bike.

After a 5-10 minute warmup, apply all out effort for 30 seconds.  Then go at a low intensity slower pace for 1:30 to catch your breathe, then do another 30 seconds of high intensity.  Repeat the cycle of high intensity and low intensity for 4-6 cycles total.  Do this 2-3 times per week.

Walking As Fast As Possible

Believe it or not, this is how some of the world’s elite athletes keep their conditioning high.  One problem with aerobics is that as your body becomes more efficient at doing the movements.  Over time they are less challenging and don’t burn as many calories.

Attempting to walk as fast as possible is by its very nature inefficient.  This makes it very demanding without adding stress to the joints like running.  The other benefit is that it only takes 15 to 20 minutes to achieve maximum benefits.

How to do it?  Just walk as fast as possible for 15-20 minutes.  Next time, attempt to beat the distance covered in the previous session in the same time period.  Repeat 2-3 times a week.

Incline Walking

Incline walking is a low impact way to get in a great cardio workout while also working the calves and glutes extra hard.

Set a treadmill incline to 15-30 degrees, and walk at 2-4mph for 15-20 minutes 2-3x per week.  


Rebounding, more commonly known as jumping on a trampoline, is considered by many to be the best form of exercise.  NASA even uses rebounding to train their astronauts.

The reason?  Rebounding increases gravitational forces on each cell of the body causeing a flush in the lymph system and a literal strengthening of every cell in the body.  Your lymph system requires movement to keep it flowing (perhaps one reason why exercise is needed for good health) and nothing I’ve come across does a better job of this than rebounding.

It also burns more calories per hour than jogging making it very time efficient.  Not only that, but you can rebound in a dorm room (even while watching TV) on a mini-trampoline making this quite possibly the perfect exercise for college students.

Rebound for 20-45 minutes as many times per week as you want.  Great to do while watching tv, listening to audio lecture notes, or just when you want to clear your mind.

Dorm Room Friendly Exercises

If you can’t get to a gym, that doesn’t mean you can’t get in a good workout.  Your bodyweight, and perhaps a few accessories are all you need to get a great workout in the comfort of a dorm room.

Here are some great bodyweight exercises.

Pushing Exercises

Pushups – Hands against the wall as the easiest variation all the way up to handstand pushups as one of the hardest variations.

Pulling Exercises

Pullups – An inexpensive pull-up bar can be purchased that doesn’t need to screw into your door.  If you’re not strong enough to do pullups, you can use a chair or a partner for assistance.  If you want to make pullups more difficult, try adding a backpack with some books for extra resistance.

For the really hardcore, you can add some gymnastic rings to the pullup bar for the best upper body workout of your life.  Even if you’re one of the strongest guys in the gym, the various bodyweight exercises that can be done on rings provide endless challenge.

Lower Body Exercises

  • Squats
  • Single Leg Squats
  • High Step Ups
  • Lunges
  • Sprints

Inexpensive Dorm Room Exercise Equipment

Water Jugs

If I had virtually no budget, than just getting a couple 1 and 2.5 gallon water containers would be all I need to get in a good workout.  Water jugs make the perfect alternative to dumbbells.  You can simply buy a handful and fill them up to various weights.

  • 1/2 gallon = 4 pounds
  • 1 gallon = 8 pounds
  • 2 gallons = 16 pounds
  • 2.5 gallons = 20 pounds
  • 3+ gallons = You’re the college student, figure it out.

Resistance Bands

Just about every single exercise can be done with resistance bands making these perfect for getting a total body workout in a dorm room.  Resistance bands with door anchors also allow you to set up resistance bands at various heights using your door to keep them in place.

Ab Wheel

As far as I’m concerned, this is the only piece of exercise you equipment you need for your abs.  They are brutal, but that’s what makes them effective.

Mini Workouts

You don’t have to have 30-60 minute blocks of time to get in a good workout.  2-3 minutes here and there is all you really need to drop down and do a set of pushups or bodyweight squats.  You can carry a set of resistance bands in your backpack and whip them out on breaks to do a few band rows and arm exercises.

These “mini workouts” start to add up throughout the day and week.  Remember, something is better than nothing.  So don’t let a busy schedule keep you from keeping active and keeping yourself in great shape.

Further Reading

These tips are only scratching the surace of how to work out on a busy schedule or without a gym in college.  Be sure to check out the Excuse Proof Fitness Survival Guide and newsletter where I share tons more healthy living fitness tips for people on a busy schedule and budget as well as the other things I did to stay in great shape in college.  Also be sure to check out my youtube channel for quick healthy recipes perfect for college students.

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What are you favorite ways to stay fit in college?

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Kale Chips

How To Make Tasty Kale Chips – Healthy Snack Recipe

Why Do Kale Chips Rock?Kale Chips

Kale chips are quite possibly the most addicting and healthiest snack that you can enjoy.  For those not familiar with kale, it is a leafy green cruciferous vegetable that is in the same family as broccoli, cauliflower, and brussels sprouts.  Research has shown this family of vegetables is filled with cancer fighting and health promoting compounds.  There’s just one problem with kale… like many other leafy greens and cruciferous vegetables, it can be quite bitter and unpleasant for picky eaters who don’t naturally love their greens.

But my taste bud’s disregard for this vegetable changed after I first discovered kale chips.  I picked up a bag of dehydrated raw kale chips in a health food store knowing its nutritional value, but having no clue what it was going to taste like.

I was in for a surprise!  I couldn’t believe that something like kale, which I personally find to be quite bitter, could taste so great.  In fact, they were equally as addicting as an potato chips if no more so.  Except that you could eat a whole bag and actually feel good about it.

The only problem with kale chips from the store is that they are quite expensive.  Usually a $4-7 for a small bag around 2-4 ounces.  So naturally, I had to figure out how a budget conscious person could enjoy this awesome treat.  With a little research and personal experimentation, I’ve uncovered what I believe are some of the best kale chip recipes that anyone can make.

Kale Chips Recipes

Basic Kale Chip Recipe:

The basic recipe for kale chips that you see in most recipe books and videos is a simple combination of kale, salt, and olive oil.

  1. Remove kale leaves from their stems.
  2. Coat with extra virgin olive oil (I prefer coconut oil).
  3. Top with salt.
  4. Bake on a baking tray for 10-15 minutes at 350 degrees.

Derek’s Kale Chips:

In the video below, I will show you how I personally make kale chips.

You’ll notice I prefer not to drizzle in olive oil as I don’t like cooking with olive oil.  You may however drizzle with some coconut oil, melted butter, or melted ghee.  Simply put kale in a bowl, drizzle the oil, and then mix around with hands or utensils.

  1. Separate kale from stems or use pre-packaged kale leaves.
  2. Add curry powder, garlic powder, unrefined salt, and cayenne pepper to taste.
  3. Bake for 40-50 minutes at 200 degrees or 10-15 minutes at 350 degrees.

Brenda Leigh Turner’s Kale Chips Recipe

Brenda Leigh Turner of shares her recipe for kale chips which I’ve found to be one of the absolute best on YouTube.  Be sure to check out her Lean Secrets Youtube Channel which has tons of great recipes, healthy eating tips, and workout advice.  Although it’s primarily aimed at women, her recipes are really great for anyone.

Reader Comments:

What is your favorite kale chips recipe?

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Quick Stew Recipe For Busy People

Healthy Eating For Busy People – Quick and Easy Recipes

Struggling To Eat Healthy In A Hurry?Quick Stew Recipe For Busy People

One of the biggest challenges I hear people face is genuinely being motivated to eat a healthier diet, but struggling because they’re so busy with work, family, school, or other commitments.

Even if someone does have the time, unless they absolutely love cooking, chances are they’d rather be spending that time elsewhere.  This is a big reason so many people end up giving up on a healthy lifestyle and settle for fast food meals, microwave dinners, and all forms of processed foods.

Luckily, when you know the right strategies, eating whole food meals can actually be faster, cheaper, and even better tasting than the processed “fast food” options.  In college, I developed some super secret “ninja” strategies for eating healthy on a busy schedule.

You’re about to discover some of my favorite techniques for eating well when you have little to no spare time, but the key thing is not to get too caught up in the specific recipes.  Rather, take the concepts and apply them in your own way with the foods and recipes you personally enjoy.  I encourage you to mix it up, try new things, and then leave a comment at the bottom with some of your favorite quick and healthy recipes.

The “Secret Weapon” For Fast Meals

The most effective way I’ve found for eating healthy on a busy schedule is to use a slow-cooker, also known as a crock-pot.  This handy kitchen device is largely responsible for getting me all through college without needing to rely on fast food.

I know the idea of using a slow cooker, which takes 4-8 hours to cook a meal, seems like the exact opposite thing you’d want to use when in a hurry.  But bear with me and you’ll see why this is exactly what you need.

A slow cooker is great for busy people because it allows you to:

  1. Cook in bulk so you can prepare several days worth of food at a time.
  2. Set it and forget it so you can cook while you’re asleep, at work, or just going on about your day.
  3. Make just about any kind of great tasting healthy recipe.

Watch and learn how to prepare meals fast (in only 5 minutes) in a slow-cooker.


Fast and Healthy Slow Cooker Curry

  • 1-2 pounds of chicken breast
  • 2 cups bagged mixed vegetables
  • 2 cups of kale
  • 1 can of unsweetened canned coconut milk (available in ethnic food section)
  • 2 tablespoons curry powder
  • 1 teaspoon cayenne pepper
  • 1 onion

Add chicken and vegetables to slow cooker.  Chop onion and then blend onion with  coconut milk and spices in a blender.  Top chicken and vegetables with sauce.  Cook on high for 3-4 hours or low for 6-8 hours.

Here’s another tasty crock-pot recipe:

Quick Crockpot Beef Stew

  • 2lbs of stew beef
  • 1 peeled onion
  • 1 1/2 cups beef broth or water
  • 1 cup baby carrots
  • 5 small red potatoes halved
  • 1 tablespoon Worcestershire sauce
  • 2 tablespoons Italian seasoning or Onion soup mix
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 1 teaspoon pepper

Combine ingredients and cook on low for 8 hours or high for 4 hours.

The real take home point here is that you can come home, toss a few things in a crock-pot, go to sleep, and then not have to worry about cooking anything more for the next couple of days because you have so much food leftover.  Obviously if you’re cooking for a family (or have roomates that eat your food) it may not last as long.  But even with only 5 minutes invested for a days worth of food, that beats out a drive-thru in terms of speed.

It goes without saying, but the one draw-back of using a slow-cooker is that you have to be prepared.  It doesn’t work as well for situations where you’re in a pinch and need something now, so keep reading to find out my strategies for that.

Healthier Quick Meal Ideas

Let’s say you don’t have any food prepared and you need to eat something ASAP.  Here are a few healthy meals that can be made in 3-5 minutes.

  • Cottage cheese or kefir with berries
  • Canned black beans and salsa
  • Protein powder plus almond flour – For on the go.  Add these to a shaker cup and add water when ready to eat.
  • Eggs with curry powder, salsa, and coconut oil
  • Pre-cooked Rice and Tuna – Top with whatever dressing you want.  No cook time makes this super fast.

Snack Ideas

Don’t need a full meal or watching your calorie intake?  Try these quick fix healthy snacks.

  • Fruit and dried fruit
  • Nuts and seeds like almonds, pistachios, or walnuts
  • Pickles
  • Celery or an apple with almond butter
  • Hard boiled eggs
  • Black olives
  • Rice cakes
  • Homemade protein bars – Must be prepared ahead of time

More Quick and Healthy Recipes:

Youtube Recipe Channels:

Slow Cooker Recipes:

Weight Loss Recipes:

Reader Comments:

What are your favorite recipes and strategies for eating healthy on a busy schedule?  Share a comment below.

By: [googleplusauthor]


How To Make Quinoa – Quick and Tasty Quinoa Recipe

What Is Quinoa?Quinoa

Quinoa is a grain-like seed that was prized by the Incas as being the “mother of all grains.”  That should say something about how great it is!  You’ve probably started to hear more about this food in recent times due to its growing popularity for being gluten-free, high in protein, and potentially delicious when prepared right.  This makes quinoa and excellent addition to anyone’s diet whether they want to lose weight, add muscle, or just improve their health by reducing the consumption of “lesser” grains like wheat and substituting them with quinoa.

How To Prepare Quinoa Continue reading

How To Stick To A Diet Book

How To Stick To A Diet – 3 Secrets To Unstoppable Diet Motivation

Why Is It So Hard To Stick To Diet?

Just saying the word “diet” brings about fear and dread in most people.  The idea of giving up your favorite foods, having to eat boring “health food,” and the constant need to force yourself to stay motivated all so you can have a better body leads countless people to search for ways to avoid “dieting” all together.

The reason diets are so challenging is they typically require sacrificing what you love, making changes to your typical routine, and going against every natural emotional inclination to eat whatever you can and enjoy life to the fullest.

So does that mean a person has to decide between sticking with a diet or being happy?  Not at all! Continue reading

Breville BJE200xl Juice Fountain Compact Review – Juicer Reviews

The Breville BJE200XL Juicer Review

Breville BJE200xl Review
Juicing is one of the absolute best things you can do for your health.  The problem I’ve had with juicing in the past with my Champion Juicer is the inconvenience of prepping the produce and cleanup time.  When I discovered the Breville BJE200xl after my friend purchased it, I rediscovered the joys of juicing.

While this juicer is not the powerhouse of some more end juicers, I’ve found it has more than adequately allowed me to juice greens, raw beets, and just about anything I can stick in the thing.  Keep reading to find out if it’s the right juicer for you.


The first thing you’ll notice about the Breville BJE200XL is its sleek and modern appearance.  I really like the silver look and tone of it.  While this is a small point, it’s definitely not going to be an eye-sore to keep out on the counter top at all times.

Ease Of Use

Setting up the juicer is snap.  Just put a few pieces in place, and in about 20 seconds you’re ready to go.

I LOVE the wide opening on the Breville Juice Fountain.  I rarely have to chop things up too much because the large opening lets you juice entire pieces of small fruit, and only larger produce requires being cut into a few smaller pieces.

The engine is very powerful and takes very little effort to push the food down into the juicer.  Whereas I would sometimes have to fight with other juicers, this thing seems to just suck the food right up.

It then puts the juice into a 25oz container.  That’s always more than enough room no matter how much stuff I’m juicing.

It’s got a safety that requires you to lock the pieces into place before use.


I do consider the Breville Juicer to be a bit loud.   While it is quieter than some other juicers, there’s no doubt you’re going to be making some noise when it’s extracting the juice.  For me this is not an issue, but I would expect it to potentially wake some people up in the house if using in the morning.


The Breville juicer is not quite as effective as my Champion juicer for getting the most juice out of the produce.  That being said, the pulp is pretty dry.  I would rate it as a good “middle of the road” type of juicer in terms of how well it extracts juice.

It’s got a 700 water motor that runs at 14,000 RPM.  The juice comes out of the food in a matter of seconds.  The entire juicing process is extremely quick taking no more than a few seconds to minutes depending on how much stuff you’re juicing.

Ease Of Cleanup

This is why I would highly recommend the Breville BJE200XL.  The cleanup process is so fast (about 5 minutes) that I don’t dread juicing anymore.

Some pieces are a little awkwardly shaped making getting into some nooks a bit difficult.  I haven’t experienced too much difficulty though cleaning it in the sink under running water.

It includes a small brush to scrub the screen with.  This is the most time consuming part of cleanup taking usually a few minutes to really get any debris out of the screen.


There are a few things I don’t care for.  One is that sometimes a few small pieces of greens will shoot out the top of the tube.  This makes for some additional cleanup of the counter.

Another thing is that transporting the pulp container to the sink to wash will likely drip some juice unless you keep something under it.

Finally, while cleanup is very easy, it can be a little hard to reach some places in the pulp container.

Final Thoughts

I would recommend the Breville BJE200XL to anyone looking for a good quality, affordable juicer.  It’s not going to have all the bells and whistles of a higher end juicer, but it certainly gets the job done for the vast majority of anyone’s juicing needs.  You can purchase it on amazon below:

By: [googleplusauthor]

Breville BJE200XL Juicer Review

Best Fat Loss Cookbook

The Best Weight Loss Cookbook – Over 250 Fat Burning Recipes

Weight Loss Cooking Made Fast, Easy, And Tasty

The biggest challenges I hear from people when they want to lose weight and start eating better is that they either “don’t have time,” or they hate the taste of health foods and don’t know how to cook.  While it’s easy for me as a fitness enthusiast who’s been doing this for years to forget about how hard it can be for someone first getting into “dieting,” I also remember how much I hated eating boring bland foods when I first started out.  Fortunately, I quickly started piecing together great tasting meals that were easy to make and tasty.  I even created my healthy cooking youtube channel to show off some of my favorite fat loss and muscle gain recipes.

But, finding great recipes that are both good for weight loss AND taste good is always a bit of a challenge.  Luckily, Dave and Karine have come in and saved the day.  They’ve put together what I consider to be the absolute best cookbook and recipe guide for those interested in getting and staying fit.  I really wish I had this weight loss cookbook that I’m about to share with you when I first got started.

Here are some sample recipes:

Fat Loss Cookbook Breakfast Recipe Idea – Apple Oatmeal Pancakes

Makes 1 Serving (4 to 6 small pancakes)


• 6 egg whites
• ½ cup oatmeal (dry)
• 1 tablespoon unsweetened apple sauce
• Pinch of cinnamon powder
• Pinch of stevia
• 1 apple, diced finely
• ¼ teaspoon baking soda
• Cooking spray


1. First heat a frying pan until hot and then reduce to medium temperature. After mixing together all the ingredients in a blender (except for the diced apple), spray some pam (or other cooking spray), drop by spoonful onto the pan.
2. When bubbles start to form, place evenly on pancake some of the diced apple.
3. Let them set in before flipping the pancake.
4. Makes about 4-6 pancakes depending on the size.

Nutritional Facts

(Per Serving)

  • Calories: 240
  • Protein: 28g
  • Carbohydrates: 32g
  • Fat: 0g


Weight Loss Cookbook Lunch or Dinner Recipe Idea – Quinoa Burritos

Makes 2 Servings
Perfect for a snack, spread or sandwich


• 2 small whole wheat tortillas
• ½ cup quinoa, cooked
• 4 egg whites
• ½ avocado, cubed
• 1 cup lettuce, shredded
• ½ cup salsa
• ¼ cup red onion, diced
• ½ cup black beans
• ¼ cup fresh cilantro


1. Cook quinoa and egg whites separately. Then mix with black beans, cilantro and onion.
2. Spead half mixture equally on whole wheat tortillas.
3. Top with salsa, avocado and lettuce.
4. Wrap and enjoy!

Nutritional Facts

(Per Serving)

  • Calories: 272
  • Protein: 17g
  • Carbohydrates: 33g
  • Fat: 8g


Get The “Metabolic Cooking” Cookbook

Best Fat Loss Cookbook

Metabolic Cooking – The Best Weight Loss Cookbook

Check out the Metabolic Cookbook here for over 250 more fat burning meals!

This cookbook will not only give you just about every breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snack idea you could ever need for weight loss, but it’s also filled with nutritional tips and tricks to maximize your results.  The money saved from not having to eat out at fast food places and preparing your own meals is worth the price alone.  Not to mention you’ll pretty much never need to waste time trying to track down recipes that not only taste great, but will help you get in shape too!

Get More Free Fat Loss Recipe Ideas

Want to try out some more weight loss recipes for free?  Dave and Karine are offering this free guide so you can get even more recipes to burn fat. Right click here and save to your computer.

Also check out: The Best Bodybuilding Recipe Cookbook

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